Mobility of a Semiflexible Chain Confined in a Nanochannel  
Mobility of a Semiflexible Chain Confined in a Nanochannel
资料类型: PDF文件
关键词: 蠕虫状链  排除体积效应  空间受限  微纳米通道  扩散系数  
资料大小: 548k
所属学科: 高分子物理
来源: 来源网络
The classic results of de Gennes and Odijk describe the mobility of a semiflexible chain confined in a nanochannel only in the limits of very weak and very strong confinement, respectively. Using Monte Carlo sampling of the Kirkwood diffusivity with full hydrodynamic interactions, we show that the mobility of a semiflexible chain exhibits a broad plateau as a function of extension before transitioning to an Odijk regime, and that the width of the plateau depends on the anisotropy of the monomers. For the particular case of DNA in a high ionic strength buffer, which has highly anisotropic monomers, we predict that this Rouse-like behavior will be observed over most of the measurable chain extensions seen in experiments. ? 2012 American Physical Society URL: http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.228105 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.228105 PACS: 87.15.ak, 87.14.gk, 87.15.hg
上传人: physics
上传时间: 2013-06-08 15:33:58
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